Art & Model
Get hyper-realistic digital models to life in a matter of hours, right on your desk
U3DS 3D Printers deliver incredible detail and seamless performance at an affordable price point
Digital Models Turned Into
High-Definition Physical Reality
U3DS resin 3D Printing solutions empower you to create high-definition models showing the finest details while making it easy to post-process sculpts for a truly realistic look.
Character Modeling
Bring concepts beyond the computer screen with physical objects instead of flat renders.
High-precision models will help you communicate with clients while keeping production in-house, giving you greater control, as well as saving time and money.
Prop Making
Whether you need one part or hundreds, U3DS 3D Printers supports your workflow from prototyping, to molding and casting.
Materials for High-Resolution Models
Custom-formulated to deliver the highest-quality output, our Standard Resins and premium Resins capture astonishing detail without sacrificing strength
Easy to print
High strength
High toughness
High precision
Smooth print surface
Wide compatibility
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